Saturday, 28 October 2017

Assaulting the Niger Delta Environment

We Get Back What We Give to the Environment!!!!!!

Our beloved Niger Delta

The Niger Delta environment has been vastly degraded by oil exploration by multinational oil companies. A really worrisome development I must confess but sad still, is the contribution of the local people in destroying their environment through oil pipeline vandalism, illegal refinery, oil theft and oil-bunkery.
illegal refinery in operation

scooping of crude oil from vandalized pipeline

According to research, 400,000 liters of crude oil is stolen everyday in Nigeria with 75% of these crude sold to international oil syndicates and 25% locally refined. The local people involved in these economic sabotage earn quick monies at the expense of the Niger Delta environment.

According to the Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, we can have a PLAN B but we can never have a PLANET B.
The environment....a shadow of it former self

The Niger Delta is the 3rd largest mangrove in the world, the largest Delta in Africa and the richest wetland in terms of biodiversity.

We have it all.....biological diversity
Let's preserve the Niger Delta and not compromise the ability of our children, children's children... to meet their own needs.

We must embrace sustainable livelihood and help preserve the environment for the next generation. Inter-generational equity counts.

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